Situated just over half an hour away from Durban is the PheZulu Safari Park. A unique and fun African experience for the whole family; the park is definitely a must for all travelers in the area. Whether you are looking for a romantic day trip or an exciting family vacation, the PheZulu Safari Park will definitely not disappoint.
What to Expect From the PheZulu Safari Park
One thing that amazes visitors to the PheZulu Safari Park is the beautiful views across the Valley of 1,000 Hills. Upon entrance of the park you will be taken into unique beehive shaped traditional thatched huts that are home to various artifacts and you will be given a brief introduction into the Zulu history and culture. If you like you can stay for one of the shows that will feature Zulu dancers – a rare treat that you will not forget in a hurry!
Another popular part of PheZulu is the crocodile and snake park. There you will find a 102 year old crocodile known as “Junior” and you will be given a tour by one of the many knowledgeable guides. If you are brave enough you can handle a 42 kilogram Burmese Python which amazingly is 3.5 meters long! Not brave enough? Don’t worry – you can still watch from a safe distance and learn interesting facts about the different snakes and crocodiles seen throughout the park. Children in particular love this part of PheZulu and it will give them something to talk about with their friends for months when they get back home.
Finally you have the game park which features animals such as the Wildebeest, Giraffe, Bush Buck, Zebra and the Impala. You will be taken on a one hour drive that not only gives you the chance to see these amazing animals up close, but the beautiful scenic views too. Then for the adults there is a great homemade candle shop which sells beautiful sculpted candles.
There really is so much to see and do at the PheZulu Safari Park – all you have to do is find the perfect selfcatering accommodation nearby.
The Best Durban Accommodation
It is probably the best idea to stay in Durban if you plan to visit PheZulu. There is a self catering cottage in the Safari Park but it can be expensive and it sleeps up to five people. If you are traveling with a partner then you don’t need all of that space. Instead you might like to check out
No.5 Casa Playa offers fantastic, affordable luxury selfcatering accommodation under 1Km away from the Umhlanga Sands Village. It gives you privacy and luxury so no matter whom you are traveling with it could just be the perfect choice for you.
One of the best things about the Casa Playa hotel is that it is located just a short distance from the hairdressers, top class restaurants and cocktail bars as well as great small coffee shops. Overall it is definitely one of the best choices of accommodation in the Durban area. So if you do plan on visiting the PheZulu Safari Park, why not check out the Casa Playa selfcatering accommodation today?
Treat yourself to a worry free getaway and book your weekend today!