If you happen to be an adventurer at heart, and do not mind exploring brand-new worlds out there, during your holiday, perhaps you would like to look at the option of renting out your choice of a self catering apartment instead of going in for a stay at a hotel.
Now for example, you want to spend your vacation in Durban. You have all the facilities of home in your Durban hotel and perhaps some more, taking the form of air conditioning, room service, cable TV, food when you want it, laundry on demand, and every single amenity a good hotel can give you.
On the other hand, you might want to take the choice of renting out a self catering flat or apartment instead. Well, you can consider this to be your home away from home, but in another country altogether. You are now completely alone , can wake up when you want, go to sleep when you want, eat when you want, go around exploring Durban when you want, with no worry that the housekeeping is going to turn you out early in the morning because they have to make your bed and change the towels.
A good self catering apartment is going to have a TV, private phone, or anything else you want, all you have to do is demand it from your landlord and be ready to pay the extra bill. Besides, he is going to be there to take care of all the small problems of shower not working, and heater needing repairs like the landlord back at home!
One of the good things of living in self catering apartments is that you are a part and parcel of the social fabric of the country you are visiting in instead of being a tourist in transit living in limbo in your antiseptic hotel. Some people enjoy traveling to a new country with everything done for them, like their tickets, the schedule as well as the itinerary planned for them to the last minute, and with no surprises and no deviations. Well, that might be a way of looking at the countryside they are visiting, but they are missing a lot of local color, because their travel agency decided that they would not appreciate the Indian market in say, Durban.
On the other hand, if you are living on your own in the self catering apartment of your choice, you can spend half the day there, getting your sinuses cleared after enjoyable and hearty sniffs of exotic spices, getting fascinated with all the color, sounds, sights, well, is not that a better idea for memorable experiences?
A fine self catering apartment needs to be in a locality, where you can get plenty of options for plenty of sightseeing, recreation, and mingling with the local people. The Operational word here is self catering, so you will need to take on the responsibility of filling your fridge, getting your clothes laundered, cleaning your house, and after that, deciding how to spend the rest of the day, relaxing or just exploring the rest of the city. You are dependent on nobody, and on no fixed itinerary. So next time you intend to take a holiday in the city of your choice, like Durban, go in for staying at self catering apartments instead of at a Durban Hotel.
Find out more about a luxury self-catering apartment in sunny Durban, South Africa.